Innovative site preparation techniques at LIFE TECMINE - LIFE Tecmine
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Innovative site preparation techniques at LIFE TECMINE
The main role of CEAM Foundation within TECMINE project is to develop effective techniques related to the restoration of soil quality and to install native plant communities in the quarry restoration area mimicking native ecosystems.
Currently, we are in the phase of designing restoration treatments in combination to species selection (CIEF team) and landform design (Geofluv techniques; UCM team). The proposed techniques are mainly based in previous experiences developed by CEAM forestry group on the restoration of degraded ecosystems in Valencian region. They are focused on two main objectives:
- techniques for slope stabilization avoiding future degradation processes and promoting natural plant colonization, and
- techniques to improve survival and growth of introduced seedlings.
The proposed techniques can be considered new and innovative in quarry restoration that was traditionally based on the irrigation of seedlings. With these techniques, we will try to minimize the irrigation needs after outplanting improving the water use with the application of techniques (i.e. microcatchments, plastic sheets) to collect runoff and conduct it to the seedlings, use of treeshelters to protect seedlings against the excess of sunlight radiation and desiccating conditions, and applying organic matter from composted refuses as sewage sludge to improve the soil fertility.
All of these techniques are going to be applied during reforestations tasks, according to site limitations and will try to recover native plant communities and ecosystem functions. All of these activities will be carried out at the end of the current year, after landform implementation, and at the same time that final seedling nursery period. After the reforestations works CEAM Foundation will evaluate how ecosystem functionality and diversity is restored.
The LIFE TECMINE project and this website's content have been funded with the support of the LIFE Programme of the European Union.
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