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Back 2nd Coordination Meeting of the LIFE TECMINE Project

2nd Coordination Meeting of the LIFE TECMINE Project

The 2nd coordination meeting of the LIFE TECMINE project took place in Valencia on May 31st. After 6 months from the beginning, it is time to review the actions that have been implemented and their progress, as well as to coordinate the administrative and economic aspects of the project.

Progress of actions:

State of the Art of mine restoration techniques (Action A1). The document is now available on the Project website. This document provides a summary of the guidelines on mine restoration.

Expert Panel (Action A2). In March, a meeting was held in which internationally renowned specialists in different fields of mine restoration participated in order to discuss the proper application of the techniques to be implemented in the project. The document with the contributions and conclusions is being drawn up.

Project Design (Actions A3 and A4). Partners are currently preparing the restoration designs, taking into account the considerations of the two previous documents. Specifically, the following technical documents are being drawn up:

  • Slope stabilization design (SIBELCO)
  • Design of land geomorphology restoration, using the GEOFLUV technique (UCM).
  • Design of soil preparation, using techniques that improve soil and plant survival, such as organic matter input and microcatchment (CEAM)
  • Design of the species selection (CIEF) and planting (CEAM)

Plant production (Action B5): in November 2017, the plant production to be used for the revegetation of the area began.

Next step: mine restoration works, which are expected for August.

2nd Coordination Meeting

2nd Coordination Meeting



The LIFE TECMINE project and this website's content have been funded with the support of the LIFE Programme of the European Union.

*This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author/s, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.