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Back 3rd Coordination Meeting of TECMINE partners

3rd Coordination Meeting of TECMINE partners

On 22 and 23 November, the coordination meeting of LIFE TECMINE project took place to discuss and evaluate the status of the actions. On this occasion, we have the presence of the monitor NEEMO who gives us support and monitoring throughout the project.

On the 22nd, the meeting took place in the facilities of the Administrative City 9 d'Octubre in Valencia and on the 23rd, it was dedicated to the visit to the Fortuna mine, in Ademuz, where its restoration is being carried out.

Progress of actions:

You can now download the following documents from the website:

  • State of the Art of mine restoration techniques (Action A1)
  • Expert Panel (Action A2)
  • Identification of referent and limitations (Action A3)

Project Design (Action A4). Partners are currently preparing the restoration designs, taking into account the considerations of the two previous documents. Specifically, the following technical documents are being drawn up:

  • Slope stabilization design (SIBELCO)
  • Design of land geomorphology restoration, using the GEOFLUV technique (UCM).
  • Design of soil preparation, using techniques that improve soil and plant survival, such as organic matter input and microcatchment (CEAM)
  • Design of the species selection (CIEF) and planting (CEAM)

Technical training (Action B1): The objective of this course is to train public officials in the GeoFluv™ method, so that they can carry out the evaluation and monitoring of mine restoration projects using this technique from now on.

Restoration of morphology (Action B3): Earthmoving work has already begun. The landscape and drainage network are being reconstructed using the GeoFluv method.

Plant production (Action B5): in October 2018, the plants produced were moved to the Ademuz area for acclimatisation.



The LIFE TECMINE project and this website's content have been funded with the support of the LIFE Programme of the European Union.

*This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author/s, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.